I offer:
individual and group coaching/counseling for people who want to learn how to use their mad gifts
consulting and training for folks working inside/outside the mental health system
public speaking and workshops for schools, nonprofits and other organizations.

I’ve been doing work in the mental health and social justice realm for over 20 years, creating healing spaces to change the way we think about what gets called “illness” and “wellness.” I’m passionate about creatively revisioning social and cultural conceptions of madness. I have a lot of love for those of us who don’t feel like we fit into modern society, and I think people like us have an important role in the transformation of the world.
As a young man I spent a bunch of time in and out of psychiatric hospitals. I felt like I was overdiagnosed, over-pathologized and over-medicated. I came to realize that there are significant limits to how our current mental health system is organized.
After I started writing publicly about what I’d been through, a group of friends and I co-founded a community called The Icarus Project which since 2002 has been a magnet for brilliant and creative people struggling with what gets called “mental illness”.
I started this private practice because I genuinely believe this is the most direct and effective way to help others and to share what I have learned through my many years of personal and collective experience. Click here to read about my formal education and training.